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Pumsavanam : A Sacred & Important Ritual Performed After Pregnancy

Pumsavanam : The sacred ritual performed after pregnancy, signifies the deep yearning for the birth of a male child. The term itself carries the essence of this longing.

Pumsavanam is observed during a specific celestial alignment when the moon resides in a masculine zodiac sign. On this momentous day, the expectant mother observes a fast, dedicating herself to this sacred occasion. As night falls, banyan seeds are carefully germinated, symbolizing the seeds of life within her. These seeds are then crushed, and their potent juice is delicately poured into her right nostril, accompanied by the recitation of sacred mantras, such as “Hiranyagarbha.” It is believed that by performing this ritual during the Moon’s presence in a male sign, the blessings of a robust and healthy son are invoked.

In the context of the bygone society, sons held immense significance, considering the circumstances of that era. Male descendants were highly regarded, not only for fulfilling the debts of their fathers but also due to their pivotal roles in times of war and strife.

This ritual also reflects the hope cherished by women, as they believed that even from their lineage, extraordinary men would emerge, leaving an indelible mark on the world.

Pumsavanam serves as a timeless testament to the profound desire for the birth of a cherished son and the societal dynamics that once shaped such aspirations.

Pumsavanam & Tithis

Tithis to perform Pumsavanam – Vidiya, Tadiya, Panchami, Shashti, Saptami, Ashtami, Dashami, Ekadashi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Poornami.

Nakshatras to be worshiped – Hasta, Moola, Shravana, Punarvasu, Mrigasira, Pushyami, Rohini, Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra, Swati, Anuradha, Ashvani.

Auspicious Weeks – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Pumsavanam can be done on all other Lagnas except for Scorpio and Leo.

It is said that if the seventh nineth rashi decides the ascendant and performs pumasvanam, one will get sanskara fruit.

Procedure for doing Pumsavanam Samskara – After completing the Swadharma vidita duties in Pratah Kalam, one should perform Ganpati Puja, Punyahavachana, and resolve for Pumsavanam Samskara. He should make his wife sit on his right side and tie a Raksha Bandhan (bracelet).

As an eight-year-old girl crushes the bud of a twin-fruited branch of a banyan tree and strains the juice in a new white cloth.

The pregnant woman sits facing the west and raises her head so that her head is facing the east. Her husband gives it to her right nostril through his right-hand thumb. The woman should not spit that juice.

On this occasion, the following meaningful mantras are recited. I am touching you all over with these ten fingers to bear ten months and bear a child. May the baby come out of your womb as the linden juice glides and the sea moves with the wind, may you have life, virtue, fame, prowess, and tenacity in eating food. Let the child be safe, and let there be no danger to you.

The husband should touch the navel area of the wife with prayer mantras of deities such as Mitra, Varuna, Agni, Vayu, and Ashvani deities. At that time, we should pray to the gods saying that the child that will be born to us should be a person with a good life, power, fame, prowess, and strength.

Also, one should pray to the gods by saying to the wife that there should be no danger to the baby or to you during childbirth.

After mixing equal parts of cow’s milk, curd, and ghee, put one wheat seed and two mina seeds and let the wife drink it with the thought that the future child will be a male child.

Is this duty necessary every time a woman conceives?

It is said that it should be done precisely in the 4th month for the first child.

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