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Panigrahanam : An Important & Significant Event In Hindu Marriages

Panigrahanam : An indeed considered an important ritual in Hindu marriages. It is synonymous with the act of marriage itself. In earlier times, the groom would take the bride’s hand and lead her to Agnihotra (sacred fire). However, in contemporary practice, the bride holds the groom’s hand and follows him, symbolizing her commitment to him for the rest of her life, embracing motherhood, prosperity, and fulfilling her womanhood.

During Panigrahanam, the groom holds the upturned right hand of the bride with his outstretched right hand. To signify their union, he joins the upper finger of the bride’s hand with the rest of her fingers. While holding her hand, the groom chants the following mantra:

Griblami te suprajasvaya hastam maya patya jaradashtiryatha sah |
Bhago aryama savitha purani rmahyam twa durgarhapatyaya devah ||”

This mantra expresses the groom’s intention to embrace the responsibility of ensuring the couple’s good progeny, just like his ancestors. It invokes the blessings of gods Bhaga, Aryama, and Savita to help him become a worthy householder in the Grihasthashram (householder stage).

The bride, in response, vows the following:

“Aryaputra! I am accepting your water, signifying the destruction of sorrows and the growth of happiness. Let us live together happily until the end of our lives. From today onward, let there be no hatred between us. May our love flourish and may our home be filled with good deeds, offspring, wealth, and comfort. O Bhadrapurusha (fortunate man), by the grace of the Supreme Lord, you have come into my life. I am devoted to you in heart, soul, and mind, accepting your actions with love. Listen to my words attentively, for from today, God has entrusted you to me. Let us enjoy a hundred years of togetherness.”

Panigrahanam & Couples Custom

Following the exchange of vows, the couple performs pradaksha, which involves circumambulating the home. This act symbolizes their commitment to walk together in harmony, completing the sacred union of marriage.

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