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Folk Marriage : Some Rituals Involves In Sacred & Holy Practices

Folk Marriage : Some Traditional Rituals observed in Telugu Culture
Irandla Pooja holds utmost importance in the wedding ceremony. It involves the reverential act of acquiring new pots from the potter’s house and worshipping them. This ritual is conducted with meticulous care and attention. In accordance with the ancient marriage customs, people from various castes come together to participate in this ceremony and celebrate. In return, they are presented with numerous dowry gifts as a gesture of joy and gratitude.

Anduga Gunja Stem:
The Anduga tree is brought and planted in front of the house on the day preceding the wedding, known as Pacchani poruka. This act symbolizes prosperity, growth, and well-being. Villagers believe that if this tree flourishes and grows tall, it will bring about a blissful married life.

Gante Pustelu:
Gante pustelu, the auspicious mangalsutra, holds paramount significance in folk weddings. It serves as a prominent symbol of a woman’s marital status. This pivotal moment in the wedding ceremony is known as Mangalyadharana and is regarded as profoundly sacred. The mangalsutra is meticulously adorned with the utmost devotion using Muttaidhus (white beads), and the groom ceremoniously ties it around the bride’s neck. Once worn, the mangalsutra remains a cherished ornament that is never removed.

Anduga Gunja Pochamma Puja:
This Pochamma puja is performed a few days prior to the wedding. It involves the offering of meat from a hunted animal, or in some cases, chicken, on a Sunday. This puja carries immense significance within the village community. Drums, bands, processions, and relatives all come together to partake in this prayer.

Pacha Poruka:
The day preceding the wedding is known as Pachani Poruka, which entails adorning the canopy in front of the house with green branches and providing shade. This ritual is conducted to symbolize the eternal vibrancy and liveliness of married life.

Folk Marriage & Pacha Poruka

In the past, the tree branches were brought using bullock carts, but nowadays, tents are set up. Participants of this ritual are offered food and then escorted to their respective homes.

Pasupu Isurudu:
Some elderly individuals infuse turmeric horns into the isururai (pestle) and simultaneously throw them in unison, creating a rhythmic sound as they collide.”

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