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Snake Charming : A Traditional Practice In Telugu Culture

Snake Charming : A Traditional practice where individuals, often known as snake charmers, carry a basket filled with snakes and use a snake charming flute made from a bottle gourd to attract and control the snakes. They wrap a big rope around their head and place the basket near doorways. When the lid is opened, the snakes emerge and perform a dance, entertaining the onlookers. People present at the event often offer rice and other items to the snake charmers as a form of appreciation.

Snake Charming & Performance

During the performance, the snake sometimes sticks out its tongue and hisses. To calm the snake down, the snake charmer holds a piece of herb and places it on the snake’s muzzle. This gesture helps cool down the snake and makes it bow its head. The snake charmer may also have other items for sale, such as a white throw and pieces of green grass. These items are used to elicit specific reactions from the snakes. The smell of the green grass can have a calming effect on the snake, making it less aggressive and more lethargic.

Snake Charming has become a part of Telugu culture and traditions. However, it is important to note that the practice raises ethical concerns regarding the treatment and welfare of the snakes involved. Snakes are wild animals that should be treated with respect and care in their natural habitats.

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