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Bubbaukkala : People Faith On Katikappers For Prophecies & Horoscope

Bubbaukkala : In the past, The Budabukkala people, also known as Katikappers, used to live near graveyards. They would only visit villages once a year, specifically a week or ten days before the Sankranti festival.

Carrying a damaruka-like instrument in their hands, they would wander around and sing about the past, future, and present of the houses and their inhabitants.

Bubbaukkala & Their Prophecies

During that time, people believed in the prophecies of the Budabukkala. It was believed that the mouth of Rudru (a deity associated with cremation) would reveal their horoscope. Whether the prophecy was favorable or negative, the homeowners would offer grains to appease the Budabukkala wadi (fortune-teller).

They were named after the sound of the drum-like instrument they played, which made a “budabukku budabukku” sound. Therefore, those who play the damaruka to the sound of “budabukku budabukku” are called “bubblers” in colloquial terms.

They belonged to the Jangama Devar community and wore clothes of various colors. They had a band around their waist and wore colored headbands. They wrapped themselves in fine cloth and apply kajal to their eyes. They also put ashes on their foreheads.

Children used to get scared when they saw them, so parents would often use the threat of being taken to Budabukkalodi (the place of Budabukkala) to discipline misbehaving children.

The Budabukkala used to live in huts near the graveyard. However, over time, their way of life has changed. Nowadays, none of the Katikappers visit villages to tell prophecies like they used to.

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